




【和訳】7ステップ触診法(3): P.A.L.P.A.T.E



元記事はこちら。The seven-step palpation method: A proposal to improve palpation skills


4. Discussion 考察

The principal author of this article initially used this seven-step palpation method in cranial technique classes.
It was quickly concluded that the number of repetitions required (many hundreds) was too important to be assumed by only one teacher.
Moreover, to enhance their palpation skills, students need to apply the same method consistently.
It then became essential to implement the Seven-Step Palpation Method for technique classes in all osteopathic fields (cranio-sacral, parietal, soft tissue, and visceral).
In the last three years, the use of this teaching method in more than half the technique classes of the Centre Ostéopathique du Québec led to the following observations.
過去3年間、Centre Ostéopathique du Québecの実技クラスの半分以上でこの指導法を利用し、次のような観察結果が得られた。
The first advantage was to rally the teaching staff towards a common project and stimulate collaboration between teachers and clinical instructors.
This kind of synergy promotes the development of students’ general competence.
However, this method presents some challenges for teachers.
They must drastically modify time distribution of practice sessions.
They also have to adapt the way they teach techniques because they need to factor in, attention focus, identification of main and relative reference points, as well as variable utilization of palpation method steps (type/quantity of instructions and adaptation to expertise level).
To assist them, a handbook describing the application and possible uses of the palpation method was written.
Workshops were also organized during teacher meetings.
Additionally, multiple informal observations were made since the implementation of the Seven-Step Palpation Method showing sufficient positive effects on students’ palpation skills to justify maintaining the project at a larger scale.
For example, students seemed more confident and, as predicted,demanded less external validation in technique classes.
They understood more clearly the stakes of palpation and the importance of repeating each technical movement.
They stayed focused for longer periods in practice sessions and have shown more interest in the palpation process itself rather than in its final result alone.
Some of the higher-level students, who were not systematically exposed to this palpation method and who had major difficulties developing palpation skills, showed interest for this new learning tool in individual follow-ups and have, for the majority, greatly improved their technical performance afterward.
Beyond these observations, it would be useful to validate the effects of the Seven-Step Palpation Method on the two main issues of osteopathic palpation: reliability of palpatory diagnostic and assessment of palpation processes.
Firstly, it has been shown that inter-observer reliability rises following a period of consensus training.
In certain circumstances, the reliability gain can be maintained and improved over time.
Since it is intrinsically personal, the perceptual component of palpation might be the one that needs to be specified the most.
The standardization of every dimension of palpation tasks might not be necessary or even desirable.
The precise, comprehensive, and systematic identification of osteopathic dysfunction characteristics (quantitative and qualitative) as well as the constant incentive to build palpation reference frameworks might help to enhance reliability.
Secondly, the assessment of palpation processes is a major pedagogical challenge.
The development of extensive palpation reference frameworks might also contribute to alleviate this issue.
The imperceptible nature of palpation processes could be compared to the hidden portion of clinical reasoning.
In medicine, it has been shown that the outcomes of clinical reasoning can be estimated according to practitioner’s capacity to represent the clinical problem with semantic qualifiers.
By analogy, it would be interesting to determine if the value of palpation processes can be linked to the number of relevant qualifiers that students select from their reference frameworks in order to describe their palpatory findings.


Semantic Qualifier(セマンティック・クオリファイアー: SQ)は医学用語。以下、中外医学社の資料から抜粋。


臨床推論の診断プロセスにおいて,病歴情報からキーワードを選択することは非常に重要です。これらのキーワードとなる情報は,患者さん自身が発する言葉である「病歴情報」であることがほとんどです。例えば,40 歳男性が「昨日の朝から左膝が痛くなって,赤みと熱があります」といった病歴情報です。この具体的な病歴情報を医学的に分類し,より上位の概念に置き換えて,普遍化した用語をSemantic Qualifierと言います。

SQ の効果としては,以下のことがわかっています。


